Our network is always ready to scale as user demand grows.
We have huge capacity to the internet from multiple Data-centres and Internet Exchanges around the UK.
We also operate Cloud Infrastructure worldwide.
We believe that building our own fibre out to homes and businesses is the only way we can deliver the best performance and user experience.
Also meaning we can deliver 10 Gigabit speeds when users are ready.
Need something bespoke for your business to really help you be future ready or to help you provide new services that are only possible on a full fibre network? Get in touch and see how we can help. We can design networks and virtualize servers or run services in the cloud for high availability.
Get updates on our network build out and new services we offer by following our Facebook page.
Support that always knows exactly how to help you.
MPLS and Multi-Site connectivity. Dark Fibre. Cloud Hosting. Private VPN